Fundamental, Clinical and Translational Research

CHU and CLCC: two privileged local partners

The Reims University Hospital Center (CHU) takes care of the most complex pathologies across the Champagne-Ardenne region (cardiac surgery, kidney transplants, pediatric emergencies and SMURs, etc.). The URCA and the CHU have signed a university hospital agreement in order to ensure the consistency of their respective research strategies by favoring the pooling and optimization of the use of their resources. It relates in particular to the biomedical research policy of the URCA and the modalities of its deployment within the CHU as well as the modalities of participation of the CHU in university and postgraduate education. A Steering Committee common to the URCA and the CHU is in charge of implementing the commitments made under this agreement. This URCA-CHU collaboration has made it possible to develop translational research by funding three Joint Hospital-University research projects (PHU): Protein and Vascular Aging (VIVA) Research and innovation in inflammatory respiratory pathology (RINNOPARI) Social cognition and neurodevelopmental diseases (Ndev-X)

Recherche et innovation au CHU
Convention CHU-URCA
CHU acteur du réseau d'Etablissements

The Jean Godinot Institute (IJG) is the Center de Lutte Contre le Cancer (CLCC) of Reims, Champagne-Ardenne and Sud de l'Aisne dedicated exclusively to the treatment of cancerous pathologies in the Champagne region. The IJG carries out university hospital missions: care, research, teaching and prevention. The URCA and the IJG have developed their cooperation and partnerships with the aim of pooling their expertise and skills. Jean Godinot Institute Insitut Godinot actor of the network of establishments The URCA, the CHU and the IJG have thus jointly created an immunology research team (EA7509) within which the researchers have also developed work in dermatology and ophthalmology.

UTT, an exceptional partner in "Aging well"

The University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) is responsible for training, research and technology transfer. The UTT has innovated by developing a light structure that knows how to federate skills and partners: the Living Lab ActivAgeing (LL2A). The aim of the LL2A is to design and evaluate human-centered support solutions for the autonomy of the elderly, a demanding topic in terms of acceptability and use of technologies improving well-living. The URCA, the UTT and the CHU are thus coming together around research projects on the theme of aging, in order to coordinate their action so as to best meet the challenges of the territory.

UTT acteur du Réseau d'établissements
Site internet de l'UTT
Site internet Living Lab

SFR Cap Santé Federative Research Structure

The Federative Research Structure of URCA, SFR Cap Santé, brings together eighteen research laboratories around four thematic axes: Health / Environment Regeneration / Cancer / Aging Fragility / Cognition / Vulnerabilities Technology / Health The CHU, the CLCC and the UTT are also privileged partners of the SFR. In this way, calls for projects, price reductions, etc. are organized jointly between the URCA, the CHU and the IJG, in order to pool research funding.

Site de la SFR Cap Santé
Lien interne vers la SFR