Pratical Sheets
The Practical Sheets constitute a database made available to University staff wishing to obtain additional information on the support and possible accompaniment to carry out all types of scientific projects.
Below is the list of practical sheets available to date.
The URCA develops its scientific project (research and training) around four major areas of activity with strong scientific expertise. The organization chart of Research at the URCA distributes the services, components and research units according to the poles. The directors of each service, component and research unit are mentioned and can be reached at the email address:
A researcher or author identifier is a permanent numerical code assigned to a researcher. It unequivocally identifies this researcher in a given digital environment such as a national (HAL) or international (Web of Science, Scopus) database and attributes to him the products of which he is the author: articles, patents, scientific data sets , scholarships, funded projects.
FP1 Identifiant chercheur / auteur
In order to assist you in the creation and/or use of identifiers, more detailed additional procedures are available:
Procédure HAL
Procédure ORCID
Procédure facteur H
Calls for projects are essential sources of funding. In order to develop and submit a project (scientific, research, training, equipment, structuring, etc.), various structures are available to URCA agents in order to best support them in this process.
To welcome a student, trainee, researcher, teacher or any other collaborator in a URCA research unit, several administrative and financial formalities must be completed and are detailed in the practical sheet.
FP 3 : Accueil Etudiant / Collaborateur
Document associé :
Demande de gratification de stage
To organize any type of event on the premises of the URCA or outside, several formalities must be completed and are detailed in the practical sheet.
A URCA agent wishing to undertake a business trip must complete the necessary administrative and financial formalities. The detailed applicable procedure, published by the HRD, can be downloaded directly from the URCA intranet (“Procedure for mission orders” and “Procedure for processing mission orders by the mission unit of the financial department”). The practical sheet outlines the main steps.
FP 5 : Déplacement Professionnel
Documents associés :
Etat de frais de mission
Ordre de mission permanent
Ordre de mission occasionnel
Ordre de mission sans frais (ou demande autorisation absence)
In order to carry out any purchase of product and material, it is necessary to respect the procedures of public market. The software implemented at URCA is SIFAC. Only managers of research units are authorized to use SIFAC.
A URCA agent may be contacted by an academic or private establishment, French or foreign, in order to carry out a consulting, teaching or other activity with regard to their scientific skills and expertise. Insofar as this additional activity is remunerated, specific administrative formalities are required, but are of a different nature depending on the type of remuneration made.
Documents associés :
Autorisation de cumul d'activités
Ordre de mission sans frais (ou demande autorisation absence)
The promotion of public research accompanies an invention to transform it into innovation. It therefore amounts to transferring a technology, a skill, a product or the research results obtained by researchers in public research, to actors in the socio-economic world (start-ups, SMEs, ETIs, large groups) likely to optimize and make them accessible to users. It is a process that requires several essential steps.
FP 8 : Valoraistion de le recherche publique
Documents associés :
Guide pratique valorisation et transfert technologie Réseau CURIE
Protection et valorisation des résultats de la recherche publique (MERSI)
To supervise the thesis of a doctoral student in a URCA research team, the teacher-researcher must hold an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) or equivalent, obtain doctoral funding (93,000 to 96,000 € for three years) and select a student holding a Master 2 Research or equivalent.
FP 9 : Direction / Financement Doctorat
Document associé :
Plaquette CIFRE 2019
Many calls for projects have an annual periodicity, the list included in the practical sheet is not exhaustive.
The term Research Involving the Human Person "RIPH" refers to research carried out on human beings with a view to developing biological or medical knowledge.
The term "outside the RIPH" refers to research not carried out on human beings or carried out on human beings but not having as its purpose the development of biological or medical knowledge.