Mediatization and Scientific Animation


Accustica, a 1901 law association, is a science center aimed at making science, techniques and innovations accessible to all audiences, in the Grand Est region and more particularly in Champagne. URCA and Accustica work in partnership (notably via the Higher Education and Research Establishments Network) on joint events (eg: Science Festival, Health Month) but also in collaboration with local innovative companies and educational experts, thus guaranteeing scientifically validated quality achievements. Accustica website

SFR Cap Santé Federative Research Structure

The Federative Research Structure of URCA, SFR Cap Santé, brings together eighteen research laboratories around four thematic axes: Health / Environment Regeneration / Cancer / Aging Fragility / Cognition / Vulnerabilities Technology / Health It leads scientific meetings around its four themes, such as monthly scientific seminars. In addition, with the URCA Health Research Development Department and in partnership with the Reims University Hospital and the Jean Godinot Institute, Reims CLCC, it is carrying out a scientific animation project with the aim of organizing scientific health events common to the three establishments, namely: Reims Day of Young Health Researchers (JRJCS) Research and scientific meeting day Funding of unifying and structuring projects

SFR Cap Santé website

Internal link to the SFR