Technological Platforms
Platforms located in the UFR Medicine, UFR Odontology and UFR Pharmacy
A Biological Resource Center (BRC) manages the conservation of biological resources with the aim of transferring them to the scientific community. The CRB CHAR (multi-thematic CRB of Champagne-Ardenne) allows the secure conservation of collections in human health, biological sciences and agronomy.
The BRC Toxoplasma allows the conservation of strains of Toxoplasma gondii (protozoan parasite) resulting from human or animal toxoplasmosis.
The role of the Tumorotheque Champagne-Ardenne is to collect, store and make available cryopreserved tumor tissue samples.
In order to improve the scientific enhancement of the collections, to set up more efficient logistics for the management of biological resources and to position the Champagne-Ardenne region as a key player in the national policy of the BRCs, the three BRCs mentioned above have been administratively grouped within the same "PF CRBs Reims" platform.
The PICT Cellular and Tissue Imaging Platform brings together state-of-the-art resources in multi-modality (photon and electron microscopy and spectroscopy) and multi-scale (molecular, cellular and tissue) imaging.
It offers a full range of methodological know-how (from the design of experimental protocols to image processing and analysis) and training in cell imaging. Its scope covers the fields of health, agro-resources and materials. It is labeled IBiSA (Infrastructures in Biology Health Agronomy).
The URCACyt flow cytometry platform brings together state-of-the-art resources in analysis and sorting cytometry. Its resources make it possible to characterize and separate populations of cells, both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, or of particles (vesicles, nanoparticles, organelles, etc.) for basic and/or clinical research.
Different types of services are offered: Autonomous machine time Service without sample preparation Expertise Services with sample preparation, collaborative research and development Education and continuing education
The URCAnim platform brings together three conventional and transgenic type animal facilities which offer research laboratories a high level environment, respecting in particular the latest European standards (directive 2010/63/EU) in terms of housing animals used for scientific purposes.
The scientific fields concerned by the experiments are: proteolysis and cancer, matrix aging and vascular remodeling, the plasticity of the respiratory epithelium, cardiac pathologies, plasma and tissue pharmacokinetics.
Platforms located at the Exact and Natural Sciences UFR
The CellFlex4.0 Platform is a training and research platform directly linked to the Factory of the Future and Industry 4.0 concepts. It brings together a set of tools for the simulation of manufacturing systems (ITS PLC, Factory I/O) and virtual house (Home I/O), a flexible workshop (CellFlex) as well as a renewable multi-energy platform ( PFMER).
The educational objective is to train students in the latest technologies in automation and supervision while integrating the concepts of eco-automation. The proposed solutions are innovative and use the latest technologies offered by hardware and software solution providers.
The system also makes it possible to implement the knowledge acquired in a concrete and realistic application in relation to the problems encountered in companies concerning the fields of automation, production management, packing and packaging mechanisms.
The ROMEO Computing Center (249th in the TOP500 and 20th in the GREEN500) provides manufacturers and researchers with high-performance computing resources, secure storage spaces, adapted software, support in the use of these tools as well as a expertise in advanced scientific and technical fields: high performance computing, applied mathematics, physics, biophysics, chemistry.
Grouped with the Image Center and P3M, the ROMEO Computing Center forms the House of Simulation of Champagne-Ardenne (MaSCA).
The Center for Research and Training in Eco-ethology (CERFE) is a field station that conducts studies in the natural environment on the behavior of animals in relation to their environment. The studies carried out there are in the fields of wildlife management and conservation. The equipment consists of field equipment (vehicles, cages, IR binoculars...), laboratory equipment and office equipment (GIS...).
The Image Center deploys the technological means necessary for research involving scientific visualization, simulation, real-time exploration of 3D virtual worlds and digital image processing.
On the scientific level, it supports several actions relating to sectors associating ICST with health, the environment and heritage or even with more traditional sciences. Combined with the ROMEO Computing Center and P3M, the Image Center forms the House of Simulation of Champagne-Ardenne (MaSCA).
The Mobicyte flow cytometry platform allows the analysis of cellular parameters or functions in order to obtain a statistical dimension that is both populational and individual.
Commonly used in biomedical science, flow cytometry is used in the field of life sciences in the broad sense on various themes involving various cell types such as bacteria, yeasts, phyto/zoo-plankton or even cells from invertebrates and vertebrates. Environmental cytometry therefore requires an adaptation of techniques, in particular the use of devices that can be used in the field, making it possible to study organisms as closely as possible to their interactions with ecological variables and environmental stresses and therefore to limit the deterioration of quality. some samples.
The NANO'MAT platform for nanofabrication and two-site nanocharacterization (Troyes/UTT and Reims/URCA) is dedicated to materials for optics, mechanics, biology and agro-resources.
The URCA site, it specializes in high-resolution imaging and nanocharacterization of all types of materials, ranging from metallic materials to plants and living cells. Thanks to the different microscopes and associated characterization tools, it offers multiscale imaging in different working environments.
The PLAneT platform offers a set of tools for structural analysis and chemical transformation under radiation of molecular or macromolecular compounds resulting from synthesis, or from natural resources.
It relates to the sciences of matter through its fundamental and methodological aspects, and to agrosciences through the plant origin of a large part of the compounds and molecules studied.
It also supports research activities carried out in the field of health by allowing the characterization of active substances or tissues via NMR micro-imaging.
The P3M Multi-scale Molecular Modeling Platform (ranging from the scale of the atom to that of the organ in the field of living organisms), makes it possible to understand and then predict the behavior of complex systems.
These modeling activities make it possible to link the experimental activities of the different fields and, from the three-dimensional structures and their dynamics, as well as to achieve specific characteristics allowing access to the structure/function type relationships.
In the field of health, P3M makes it possible to predict the behavior of new therapeutic molecules with their target and thus to accelerate the experimental development of new drugs.
Grouped with the Image Center and the ROMEO Computing Center, P3M constitutes the House of Simulation of Champagne-Ardenne (MaSCA).