About us

Our team is comprised of five permanent teachers and about twenty temporary teachers, all of whom welcome students all year round into a warm atmosphere. Dynamic and receptive, our team is here to address students’ needs. The small size of our centre reinforces the feeling of closeness between students and teachers.

External professionals might collaborate with our team, especially for working group sessions or specific activities.

Our teachers at the CIEF can welcome students that are willing to do their Master internship (both first and second year).

CIEF employees

For any specific question, please send an email to the contact person:

* CIEF manager / Language support for international students manager: Emilie GREAULT, emilie.greault@univ-reims.fr

* Trainees manager (for the concerned sectors) : Laurence OUDIN-ARNOULT, laurence.arnoult@univ-reims.fr

* DU Passerelle and student tutoring manager: Caroline FULLANA, caroline.fullana@univ-reims.fr