Professeur émérite , Département d'anglais, UFR Lettres SHS, URCA
Professeur émérite , Département d'anglais, UFR Lettres SHS, URCA
Études irlandaises, cultures populaires.
Formations :
Doctorat en études anglophones de l’ Université de Caen
HDR Université de Paris Ouest-Nanterre
Membre du séminaire "Cultures populaires"
Membre du comité éditorial de la revue Imaginaires 2.0
Membre du comité éditorial de RISE, Review of Irish Studies in Europe
-“Relinquishing the myth of human apartness”1 in Sara Baume’s Seven Steeples (2022), Etudes Irlandaises, n°49-2 | 2024.
-"Children in Recent Irish Fiction", in A Festschrift in Honour of Eamon Maher ‘GETTING THE WORDS RIGHT', Grace Neville, Sarah Nolan and Eugene O’Brien (eds), Peter Lang, 2024.
Francis Stuart’s Black List, section H (1971): An Irishman in Berlin 1939-1945”, Études Irlandaises, n°48-1, Printemps 2023.
-"The End of History in Kevin Barry's City of Bohane?", Angles, n°14, 2022.
-“So What Else is New?”: the Case of Sally Rooney’s Normal People”, Peter Lang, Reimagining Ireland series, 2023.
-"Space, Place and the Non-Human in Sara Baume’s Spill Simmer Falter Wither”", in Marginality in a Franco-Irish Context, ed. Sarah Balen, Peter Lang, Reimagining Ireland series, 2022.
-"Objects in Deirdre Madden's Artists Novels" in Deirdre Madden: New Critical Perspectives, ed. Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales-Ladron, Manchester University Press, 2022.
"No Country for Young Girls?: Representations of Gender-Based Violence in Some Recent Fiction by Irish Women Writers", Re-imagining Irish Studies for the Twenty-first Century, eds. E. Maher &E. O'Brien, Peter Lang, 2021, chap.12.
-Ireland: Spectres and Chimeras, ed. Sylvie Mikowski, Marine Galiné and Françoise Canon-Roger.
Imaginaires n°23 , automne 2021.
"Paul Lynch's Grace and the “postmemory” of the Famine." Études irlandaises, N°45-2, 2021.
Home Rule in Ireland: New Perspectives in History, Culture, Art and Literature , ed. Marie-Violaine Louvet et Sylvie Mikowski, RISE (Review of Irish Studies in Europe) n°6, 2020.
How Popular Culture Travels: Cultural exchanges between Ireland and the USA, eds. Sylvie Mikowski et Yann Philippe, Imaginaires 22, automne 2019.
« ’All sorts of Impossible Things’: Love and Desire in John McGahern’s Fiction » in Essays on John McGahern: Assessing a Literary Legacy, ed. by Eamon Maher and Derek Hand, Cork University Press, 2019.
“ Ray Donovan: Irishness in American Popular Culture Today , ” Imaginaires N°22, automne 2019.
« ‘Bringing the Big House Down’: Molly Keane and the Tradition of Irish satire », in Non-Violent Resistance. Irreverence in Irish Culture, eds. Agnès Maillot, J. Bruen, and J.P. Imbert, Peter Lang, 2018.
« Race and Ethnicity across the Atlantic: Revising the Discourse of Nation-Building in Colum McCann's Transatlantic, Sebastian Barry's On Canaan's Side and Colm Tobin's Brooklyn », Irish Studies in Europe, vol.8, ed. Hedwig Schwall, 2018.
"Gothic and Noir: the Genres of the Irish Contemporary Fiction of Containment", Études Irlandaises, N° 42-2 ,2017.
” L’écriture secrète de l'histoire irlandaise et le registre gothique dans The Secret Scripture de Sebastian Barry”, Otrante, n°41, printemps 2017.
« Family de Roddy Doyle: Good-bye to the Cosy Homestead » in Irish TV Series, ed. Flore Coulouma, Peter Lang, ”Re-Imagining Ireland Series”, 2016.
A Long Long Way de Sebastian Barry et 14 de Jean Echenoz : la mise en crise du roman de la Première Guerre mondiale", Transversalités, revue de l’Institut Catholique de Paris, janvier 2015.
Popular Culture Today, eds. Sylvie Mikowski et Yann Philippe, Imaginaires, automne 2015.
Ireland and Popular Culture, ed. Sylvie Mikowski, Bern, Peter Lang, 2014.
Irish Women Writers/ Écrivaines d'Irlande, eds. Bertrand Cardin et Sylvie Mikowski, Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2014.
« What Does a Woman Want?' The Persistence of Female Desire in an Era of Plenty in the Fiction of Anne Enright, Deirdre Madden and Eilis Ni Dhuibhne » in From Prosperity to Austerity, eds. Eamon Maher and Eugene O’Brien, Manchester University Press, 2014.
"Taking Pictures de Anne Enright : le rien dans l’image, images de rien », Études Britanniques contemporaines, n°42, juin 2012.
« Les îles d’Aran ou, l’insularité chez John M. Synge et Liam O’Flaherty", Savoirs en Prisme, n°1, printemps 2012,