#1 edition - November 25th, 2022

Scientific webinar 25-11-2022

Satu Ervasti and Emmanuel Guillon launched the first edition of the Scientific Webinars series between LUKE & URCA, on November 25th, 2022.

They respectively introduced « Biogas and nutrient recycling research in Luke » and « Towards an industrial chair dedicated to methanizationn: a holistic approach ».

This first edition gathered more than 40 attendees.

Satu Ervasti

Satu Ervasti

Research Scientist, Biorefinery and Bioproducts, Production Systems, Natural Resources Institute Finland - LUKE
« Biogas and nutrient recycling research in Luke »

Presentation focused on Luke’s nutrient and organic matter recycling and biogas research, including the research facilities and selected current research themes.

It gave an overview of biogas production and it’s future in Finland connected to Luke’s biogas research.

Emmanuel Guillon

Emmanuel Guillon

Deputy director of ICMR UMR CNRS 7312 - URCA
« Towards an industrial chair dedicated to methanization: a holistic approach »

Presentation focused on the industrial chair MERGE project which aims to study methanization using a holistic approach combining the human and social sciences and the exact and natural sciences, from upstream to downstream of the methanizer.