Preparation and Submission of Abstracts
Short abstract before December 1, 2018 January 15, 2019
Please use the abstract template ( Word MS format or PDF format ) for your abstract submission for an oral or poster communication. Fill it while respecting the guideline. Please include your name in file name as indicated below. Do not forget to select a Topic Letter and number in the PRINCIPAL TOPICS page, otherwise abstracts will not be considered.
AUTHORLASTNAME_FirstName_TopicLetterNumber_Abstract1_ pamir2019
Then click here to create an account for Abstract submission and then submit your PDF file Abstract.
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2019 March 8, 2019
Full paper submission before April 1, 2019
Authors of accepted abstracts will be encouraged to submit a 5 pages (maximum) full paper. They will have to use the full paper template ( Word MS format or PDF format ) , fill it respecting the guideline, and use the file name below.
AUTHORLASTNAME_FirstName_TopicLetterNumber_FullPaper1_ pamir2019
Any question mail to pamir2019@univ-reims.fr
Instructions for Oral Presenters
Oral presenters are requested to bring their presentation as a PowerPoint 2007 (or upper) file on a memory stick, and ensure that it is transferred to the display computer before the session starts.
Keynote Lectures are scheduled to maximum 40 min discussion included, and normal oral contributions are 20 min discussion included.
Instructions for Poster Presentations
The size of Posters should be 120 cm (height) X 90 cm (width) A0 format
Special issue
We are pleased to inform you that you will have the opportunity to publish your work in a special issue of Magnetohydrodynamics. Papers from oral or poster presentations could be submitted and will be reviewed as usual.