[1] Gobin, P., Baltazart, V., Pochon, R., & Stefaniak, N. (2018). Le contexte langagier émotionnel favorise-t-il l’apprentissage de nouveaux mots chez les apprentis lecteurs ? ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 155, 406-416. (IF : 0.08)
[2] Raucher-Chéné, D., Terrien, S., Gobin, P., Gierski, F., Kaladjian, A., & Besche-Richard, C. (2017). Modulation of the N400 component in relation to hypomanic personality traits in a word meaning ambiguity resolution task. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 71(9), 637-646. doi:10.1111/pcn.12534 (IF: 3.199)
[3] Gobin, P., Camblats, A.-M., Faurous, W., & Mathey, S. (2017). Une base de l’émotionalité (valence, arousal, catégories) de 1286 mots français selon l’âge (EMA). / A base of emotionality (valence, arousal, category) of 1286 French words according to age (EMA). Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/ European Review of Applied Psychology, 67(1), 25-42. (IF : 1.053)
[4] Terrien, S., Gobin, P., Iakimova, G., Coutté, A., Thuaire, F., Baltazart, V., Mazzola-Pomietto, P., & Besche-Richard, C. (2016). Electrophysiological correlates of emotional meaning in context in relation to facets of schizotypal personality traits: A dimensional study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 70, 141-150. doi:10.1111/pcn.12366 (IF: 3.199)
[5] Terrien, S., Gobin, P., Coutté, A., Thuaire, F., Iakimova, G., Mazzola-Pomietto, P., & Besche-Richard, C. (2015). Emotional meaning in context in relation to hypomanic personality traits: an ERP study. PlosOne, 10(9), e0138877. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138877. (IF: 3.54)
[6] Gobin, P., Faïta-Ainseba, F., & Mathey, S. (2012). Orthographic priming also depends on the emotional valence of the neighbor and prime duration: an ERP study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 25(3), 178-193. (IF: 1.592)
[7] Faïta-Ainseba, F., Gobin, P., Bouaffre, S., & Mathey, S. (2012). Event-related potential correlates of orthographic priming. NeuroReport, 23(13), 762-767. (IF: 1.266)
[8] Gobin, P., & Mathey, S. (2010). The influence of emotional orthographic neighbourhood in visual word recognition, Current Psychology Letters [Online], 26, URL: http://cpl.revues.org/index4984.html (IF: 0.94)