Dernières publications et communications
Caillies, S., Hody, A., Calmus, A., (2012). Theory of mind and irony understanding in children with cerebral palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33 (5), 2012, pp 1380-1388.
Conference proceedings
Boyer, F.C., Rapin, A., Calmus, A., Percebois-Macadré, L., Tambosco, L., Bertaud, S., Regrain, E., Belassian, G., Gombert, C., Potet, A., Coulon, J.M., Jolly, D., (2011) Reproductibilité et cohérence interne de l’échelle HADS chez des adultes atteints de myotonie de Steinert. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,54 (1), 2011, pp e233.
Boyer, F.C., Rapin, A., Calmus, A., Percebois-Macadré, L., Tambosco, L., Bertaud, S., Regrain, E., Belassian, G., Gombert, C., Potet, A., Coulon, J.M., Jolly, D., (2011) HADS scale in adults suffering from Steinert myotonia: Reproducibility and internal consistency. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54 (1), 2011, pp e238.
Boyer, F.C., Tiffreau, V., Richard, I., Calmus, A., Percebois-Macadre, L., Hardouin, J.B., Reveillere, C., Drame, M., Morrone, I., Barbe, C., Wolak, A., Novella, J.L., Jolly, D., (2011) Patient reported outcome in neuromuscular diseases: The QoL-NMD. Qualitative and quantitative generation of items. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54 (1), 2011, pp e238.
Boyer, F.C., Tiffreau, V., Richard, I., Calmus, A., Percebois-Macadre, L., Hardouin, J.B., Reveillere, C., Drame, M., Morrone, I., Barbe, C., Wolak, A., Novella, J.L., Jolly, D., (2011) Développement d’un outil spécifique pour MNM : Le QoL-NMD. Génération qualitative et quantitative de la banque d’items. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 54 (1), 2011, pp e232-e233.
Boyer, F.C., Reveillere, C., Rapin, A., Calmus, A., Flucher, A., Tiffreau, V., Richard., I, Hardouin., J.-B., Bassez, G., Dramé, M., Morrone, I., Barbe, C., Wolak, A., Novella, J.-L., Jolly, D., (2012) Patient reported outcome in slowly muscular diseases: Qualitative and quantitative generation of items of the QOL-NMD. 18th European Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medecine, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 may – 1st June 2012.
Boyer, F.C, Calmus, A., Barbe, C., Rapin, A., Flucher, A., Morrone, I., Novella, J.-L., Jolly, D., (2012) Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) and Dystrophia Myotonica type 1 (STEINERT’s MYOTONIA): internal consistency and test-retest reproducibility. 18th European Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medecine, Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 may – 1st June 2012.
Boyer, F.C., Réveillière, C., Calmus, A., Percebois-Macadré, L., Tiffreau, V., Richard, I., Hardouin, J.-B., Bassez, G., Dramé, M., Morrone, I., Barbe, C., Wolak, A., Novella, J.-L., Jolly, D., (2011) Patient reported outcome in neuromuscular diseases: The QoL-NMD. Qualitative and quantitative generation of items. Communication affichée au 4th international congress of myology, 9 au 13 mai 2011 à Lille.