Principales publications 2014

  • Bertrand, I.; Ehrhardt, F.; Alavoine, G.; Joulian, C.; Malam Issa, O.; Valentin, C., Regulation of carbon and nitrogen exchange rates in biological soil crusts by intrinsic and land use factors in the Sahel area. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2014, 72 (0), 133-144.
  • Bollot, N.; Devos, A.; Pierre, G.; Chalumeau, L.; Lejeune, O., Détente mécanique et dynamique de versants dans l'éocène de l'est du bassin de Paris, France. Géomorphologie 2014, 2, 121-132.
  • Deroin, J.-P.; Djemai, S.; Bendaoud, A.; Brahmi, B.; Ouzegane, K.; Kienast, J.-R., Integrating geologic and satellite radar data for mapping dome-and-basin patterns in the In Ouzzal Terrane, Western Hoggar, Algeria. Journal of African Earth Sciences 2014, 99, p.652-665.
  • Dewanckele, J., De Kock, T., Fronteau G., Derluyn, H., Vontobel, P., Dierick, M., Van Hoorebeke, L., Jacobs, P., Cnudde, V. 2014. Neutron radiography and X-ray computed tomography for quantifying weathering and water uptake processes inside porous limestones used as building material. Materials Characterization. Volume 88, February 2014, p. 86–99.
  • Eyssautier-Chuine, S.; Gommeaux, M.; Moreau, C.; Thomachot-Schneider, C.; Fronteau, G.; Pleck, J.; Kartheuser, B., Assessment of new protective treatments for porous limestone combining water-repellency and anti-colonization properties Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 2014, 47, 177-187.
  • Granier, B., Barbin, V., Charollais, J., 2014. Significance of partial leaching in calcareous ooids: The case study of Hauterivian oolites in Switzerland. Carnet de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 14(22): 471-481.
  • Lebrun G. et Fronteau G. 2014 Diffusion des tuiles dans le nord de la Gaule : le cas de la région d’Orchies (Nord). Revue du Nord. Hors-série, n°21, p. 249-264.
  • Maksoud, S., Granier, B., Azar, D., Gèze, R., Paicheler, J.-C., Moreno-Bedmar, J.-A., 2014. Revision of "Falaise de BLANCHE" (Lower Cretaceous) in Lebanon, with the definition of a Jezzinian Regional Stage. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 14(18): 401-427.
  • Morvan, X.; Naisse, C.; Malam Issa, O.; Desprats, J. F.; Combaud, A.; Cerdan, O., Effect of types of ground cover on surface runoff and consequent soil erosion in Champagne vineyard in France. Soil Use and Management 2014.
  • Turmel, A.; Fronteau, G.; Thomachot-Schneider, C.; Moreau, C.; Chalumeau, L.; Barbin, V., Stone uses in Reims Cathedral: provenance, physical properties and restoration phases. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2014, 391, 17-30.