SFR Cap Santé Management Committee

The Management Committee assists the Director and the Deputy Director in all decisions concerning the operation, activities and development of SFR, in accordance with the agreement for the creation or renewal of SFR. It decides on the use and allocation of pooled resources (operation, equipment, development of common services or premises, etc.).

It sets the level of the contribution of each member unit of the SFR, calculated on the basis of its recurring credits allocated by the university supervision as well as the level of the contribution for entry into the SFR requested from non-academic partner structures (CHU, Industries, foreign universities ...)

2.2 Composition

The Management Committee is made up of the Director and the Deputy Director of SFR, and the Directors of the constituent units or their representatives. Its composition is updated each time the composition of the SFR changes (arrival or departure of units).

Team leaders designated by name in the organization charts of multi-team units and those responsible for the areas defined in SFR's strategic scientific project may be invited to meetings of the Management Committee, in an advisory capacity. The Director and the Deputy Director may also invite any person of their choice to participate in the meetings of the Management Committee, depending on the topics discussed.

2.3 Operation

The Management Committee meets at least once a quarter for an ordinary meeting. In addition, it can be called to an extraordinary meeting at the initiative of the Director and the Deputy Director or at the request of 2/3 of its members. The agenda is established by the Director and the Deputy Director and communicated to the members before the date of the meeting. Any member of the Committee may request an addendum to the agenda, which will be brought to the attention of the other members before the meeting.

The Director or the Deputy Director assume the presidency of the sessions. A secretary, appointed at the start of the meeting, draws up a draft report of the meeting. This draft report, after approval by the Director and the Deputy Director, is sent to the members of the Management Committee for approval or amendment. It is distributed to all members of the SFR after final approval.

Decisions are generally made on a consensual basis. If necessary, in the event of difficulty, the Director and the Deputy Director may call for a vote. Voting takes place by secret ballot if it concerns personal matters or if this procedure is requested by a member of the Board of Directors present.