Publications 2019
1. "First-principles calculations of infrared spectra for three ethylene isotopologues : 13C2H4 , 13C12CH4 and 12C2H3D", D. Viglaska, M. Rey, T. Delahaye and A.V. Nikitin, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 230, 142-154 (2019) IF : 3.047
2. "Line list for NF3 molecule in the 1750-1950 cm-1 region", A. Rodina, O. Egorov, A. Nikitin, M. Rey, V. Serdyukov, L. Sinitsa, S.Tashkun, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 232, 10-19 (2019) IF : 3.047
3. "Symmetry effects in rotationally resolved spectra of bi-deuterated ethylene : Theoretical line intensities of cis, trans and as -C2H2D2 isotopomers", D. Viglaska, M. Rey, A. V. Nikitin, V. Tyuterev, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 194303 (2019) IF : 2.991
4. "Improved line list of 12CH4 in the 3760–4100 cm−1 region", A. A. Rodina, A. V. Nikitin, X. Thomas, L. Manceron, L. Daumont, M. Rey, K. Sung, S.A.Tashkun, V.G. Tyuterev, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 225, 351-362 (2019) IF : 3.047
5. "Assignment and modeling of the 13CH4 cold absorption spectrum in the 5471–5852 cm−1 spectral range", E. Starikova, K. Sung, A. V. Nikitin, M. Rey, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 235, 278-286 (2019) IF : 3.047
6. "Group-theoretical formulation of an Eckart-frame kinetic energy operator in curvilinear coordinates for polyatomic molecules", M. Rey, The Journal of Chemical Physics,151, 024101 (2019) IF : 2.991
7. " Improved line list of 12CH4 in the 8850-9180 cm-1 region", A. Nikitin, A. Protasevich, M. Rey, V. Serdukov, L. Sinitsa, A.Lugovskoi, V. Tyuterev, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 239, 106646 (2019) IF : 3.047
8. "Global modeling of NF3 line positions and intensities from far to mid-infrared up to 2200 cm-1", O. Egorov, A. Nikitin, M. Rey, A. Rodina, S. Tashkun, V. Tyuterev, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 239, 106668 (2019) IF : 3.047
9. "Atlas of experimental and theoretical high-temperature methane cross-sections from T=295 to 1000 K in the near infrared", A. Wong, P. Bernath, M. Rey, A. Nikitin, and Vl. G. Tyuterev, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 240, 1, 4, 11 pp. (2019) IF : 7.950
doi : 10.3847/1538-4365/aaed39
10. "Reduced Matrix Elements for collisionally induced transitions of 12CH4", R. R. Gamache, M. Rey, B. Vispoel, V. Tyuterev, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 235, 31-39 (2019) IF : 3.047
11. « High resolution infrared spectra of 17O enriched ozone isotopic species in the 5 µm range : The ν1 + ν3 bands of 17O3, 17O16O17O, 16O17O17O and 17O17O18O”, A. Barbe, E. Starikova, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 232,116-125 (2019) IF : 3.047
12. "The ν3 bands of 17O17O18O and 17O18O17O ozone isotopomers", E. Starikova, A. Barbe, V. G. Tyuterev, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 232, 87-92 (2019) IF : 3.047
13. "Ab initio predictions and laboratory validation for consistent ozone intensities in the MW, 10 and 5 μm ranges", V.G. Tyuterev, A. Barbe, D. Jacquemart, C. Janssen, S. N. Mikhailenko and E. N. Starikova, Journal of Chemical Physics, 150 (18), 184303 (2019)
14. “Preliminary analysis of the interacting pentad bands (ν2+2ν4, ν2+ν3, 4ν2, ν1+2ν2, 2ν1) of CF4 in the 1600 – 1800 cm−1 region”, M. Mattoussi, M. Rey, M. Rotger, A.V. Nikitin, I. Chizhmakova, X. Thomas, H. Aroui, S. Tashkun, Vl. G. Tyuterev, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 226, 92-99 (2019) IF : 3.047
15. “Measurement and modeling of self-broadening coefficients of the ν3 and 2ν3-ν3 bands of methyl chloride”, N. Dridi, N. Maaroufi, L. Manceron, M. Rotger, H. Aroui, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 235, 108-119 (2019) IF : 3.047
16. "Laboratory measurements and calculations of line shape parameters of the H2O-CO2 collision system", L. Regalia, E. Cousin, R. R. Gamache, B. Vispoel, S.Robert, X.Thomas, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 231, pp. 126-135 (2019) IF : 3.047
17. "Line parameters of water vapor enriched by 18O from 6525 to 8011 cm−1", L. Régalia, X. Thomas, T. Rennesson, S. Mikhailenko, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 235, 257-271 (2019) IF : 3.047
18. "A global potential energy surface for H3+ ", I. I. Mizus, O. L. Polyansky, L. K. McKemmish, J.Tennyson, A. Alijah & N. F. Zobov, Molecular Physics, 117, 6, 1663-1672 (2019)
19. "The hydrogen molecule H2 in inclined configuration in a weak magnetic field", A. Alijah, J. C. López Vieyra, D. J. Nader, A. V. Turbiner, H. M. Cobaxin, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 233, 78-86 (2019) IF : 3.047
20. “Benchmark Rovibrational Linelists and Einstein A-coefficients for the Primordial Molecules and Isotopologues”, P. H. R. Amaral, L. G. Diniz, K. A. Jones, M. Stanke, A. Alijah, L. Adamowicz and J. R. Mohallem, The Astrophysical Journal, 878, 2 (2019) IF : 5.745
21. "Non-adiabatic effects in the H3+ spectrum", P. H. R. Amaral, M. Stanke, L. Adamowicz, L. G. Diniz, J. R. Mohallem and A. Alijah, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 377(2154), 20180411 (2019) IF : 3.093
22. “Design and implementation of a heliostat for atmospheric spectroscopy”, M.-H. Mammez, R. Vallon, F. Polak, B. Parvitte, V. Zéninari, Infrared Physics & Technology, 97, 235-243 (2019) IF : 2.379
23. "Tunable Mid-IR Hybrid Fiber/Crystal Laser for Gas Sensing", C.-E. Ouinten, F. Defossez, L. Lamard, A. Gognau, R. Vallon, B. Parvitte, V. Zeninari, J.-B. Lecourt, Y. Hernandez, A. Peremans, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America), paper LW4B.3, 2 pages (2019)
24. "Extended-Cavity-Quantum-Cascade-Laser-Voltage Intracavity Sensing and Application to Atmospheric Gas Detection", R. Vallon, L. Bizet, B. Parvitte, G. Maisons, M. Carras, V. Zeninari, Conference Papers – Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – CLEO/EUROPE and European Quantum Electronics Conference – EQEC 2019, 8871446, 1 page (2019),
25. "Picosecond Widely-Tunable mid-IR Source for Gas Detection", F. Defossez, R. Vallon, B. Parvitte, C.-E. Ouinten A. Gognau, J.-B. Lecourt, Y. Hernandez, V. Zeninari, Conference Papers – Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics – CLEO/EUROPE and European Quantum Electronics Conference – EQEC 2019, 8872325, 1 page (2019)
26. "Fast tunable Mid-IR source pumped by a picosecond fiber laser", C.-E. Ouinten, F. Defossez, A. Gognau, Y. Hernandez, J.-B. Lecourt, R. Vallon, B. Parvitte, V. Zéninari, L. Lamard, A. Peremans, SPIE Proceedings 10896 – Solid State Lasers XXVIII: Technology and Devices, 1089602, 7 pages (2019)
1. "The floatability of aerosols and wave damping on Titan’s seas", D. Cordier, N. Carrasco, Nature Geoscience, 12, 315-320 (2019) IF : 13.566
2. "Adsorption isotherms and nucleation of methane and ethane on an analogue of Titan’s photochemical aerosols", P. Rannou, D. Curtis and M. A. Tolbert, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 631, id. A151, 12 pp. (2019) IF : 5.636
3. "Constraints on Uranus’s haze structure, formation and transport ", D.Toledo, P. G. J. Irwin, P. Rannou, N. A. Teanby, A.A.Simon, M.H.Wong and G. S.Orton, Icarus, 333, 1-11 (2019) IF : 3.513
4. "Simulating the density of organic species in the atmosphere of Titan with a coupled ion-neutral photochemical model", V. Vuitton, R.V. Yelle, S.J. Klippenstein, S.M. Hörst, P. Lavvas, Icarus, 324, pp. 120-197 (2019) IF : 3.513
5. "The Hubble Space Telescope PanCET Program: Exospheric Mg II and Fe II in the Near-ultraviolet Transmission Spectrum of WASP-121b Using Jitter Decorrelation", Sing, D.K., Lavvas, P., Ballester, G.E., Lecavelier Des Etangs, A., Marley, M.S., Nikolov, N., Ben-Jaffel, L., Bourrier, V., Buchhave, L.A., Deming, D.L., Ehrenreich, D., Mikal-Evans, T., Kataria, T., Lewis, N.K., López-Morales, M., García Muñoz, A., Henry, G.W., Sanz-Forcada, J., Spake, J.J., Wakeford, H.R., The Astronomical Journal, 158 (2), art. no. 91 (2019) IF : 5.838
6. "Heavy negative ion growth in Titan’s polar winter", Wellbrock, A., Coates, A.J., Jones, G.H., Vuitton, V., Lavvas, P., Desai, R.T., Waite, J.H. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, p. 2254-2261 (2019) IF : 356
7. "The Hubble PanCET program: an extensive search for metallic ions in the exosphere of GJ 436 b." dos Santos, L.A., Ehrenreich, D., Bourrier, V., Levavelier des Etangs, A., López-Morales, M., Sing, D.K., Ballester, G., Ben-Jaffel, L., Buchhave, L.A., García-Muñoz, A., Henry, G.W., Kataria, T., Lavie, B., Lavvas, P., Lewis, N.K., Mikal-Evans, T., Sanz-Forcada, J., Wakeford, H., Astronomy & Astrophysics, 629, id.A47, 15 pp (2019) IF : 5.636
8. "Propane clusters in Titan’s lower atmosphere: insights from a combined theory/laboratory study". Bourgalais, J., Durif, O., Le Picard, S.D., Lavvas, P., Calvo, F., Klippenstein, S.J., Biennier, L., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488, p.676-684 (2019) IF : 5.356
9. " Photochemical hazes in sub-neptunian atmospheres with a focus on gj 1214b", P. Lavvas, T. Koskinen, M. E. Steinrueck, A. Garcia Munoz, A. P. Showman,The Astrophysical Journal, 878(2),118 (2019) IF : 5.745
10. "N2O flux measurements over an irrigated maize crop: A comparison of three methods", T. Tallec, A. Brut, L. Joly, N. Dumelié, D. Serça, P. Mordelet, N. Claverie, D. Legain, J. Barrié, T. Decarpenterie, J. Cousin, B. Zawilski, E. Ceschia, F. Guérin, V. Le Dantec, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 264, 56-72 (2019) IF : 4.651
11. "Gas-phase UV absorption spectra and OH-oxidation kinetics of 1H-1,2,3-triazole and pyrazole", B. Samir, C. Kalalian, E. Roth, R. Salghi and A. Chakir, RSC Advances, 9, 27361–27368 (2019) IF : 3.119
12. "Heterogeneous oxidation of two triazole pesticides (diniconazole and tebuconazole) by OH-radicals and ozone", O. Rokbani, S. Fattouch, A. Chakir, E. Roth, Science of The Total Environment, 694,133745 (2019) IF : 6.551
13. "UV absorption spectra of trans-2-pentenal, trans-2-hexenal and 2-methyl-2-pentenal", C. Kalalian, B. Samir, E. Roth, A. Chakir, Chemical Physics Letters, 718, 22-26 (2019) IF : 2.029
14. "N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) reactions with NO3, OH and Cl: A theoretical study of the kinetics and mechanisms", Samai, S., Rouichi, S., Ferhati, A., Chakir, A., Arabian Journal of Chemistry,12 (8) 4957-4970 (2019) IF : 4.762
1. “Three-dimensional modeling of complex swirling flows in champagne glasses: CFD and flow visualization”, F. Beaumont, G. Liger-Belair, G. Polidori, Acta Mechanica, 230, 213-224 (2019) IF : 2.102
2. “Carbon dioxide in bottled carbonated waters and subsequent bubble nucleation under standard tasting condition”, G. Liger-Belair, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67, 4560-4567 (2019) IF : 4.192
3. “Unsteady evolution of the two-phase flow in sparkling wine tasting and the subsequent role of glass shape”, F. Beaumont, G. Liger-Belair, G. Polidori, Experiments in Fluids, 60, 111 (2019) IF : 2.335
1. "Line positions and intensities in the ν2 fundamental band of sulfuryl fluoride using the C2v top data system'', F. Hmida, B. Grouiez, T. Cours, M. Rotger, L. Manceron, V. Boudon et H. Aroui, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 227, 63-71, (2019) IF : 3.047
2. “Under-expanded supersonic CO2 freezing jets during champagne cork popping”, G. Liger-Belair, D. Cordier, R. Georges, Science Advances, 5, 9, eaav5528 (2019) IF : 13.116
3. "The Physical Origin of the Venus Low Atmosphere Chemical Gradient", D. Cordier, D. A. Bonhommeau, S. Port, V. Chevrier, S. Lebonnois and F. García-Sánchez, The Astrophysical Journal, 880, 2 (2019) IF : 5.745